Beyond Classrom Boarders

A great paper outlines the real need to have industry and academia working together to help the student understand their future options - it helps the student, industry and academia!

Linking Learning and Work Through Career-Relevant Instruction

What Students need to Learn!

Adaptivity - Industrial Revolution 4.0 is on it’s way and you’ll need to work on continuous learning - college helps you get the focused time to get that foundation upon which you can build upon.

What Is Adaptivity? (Page 10)

As disruptive technologies and innovation rapidly alter the requirements of a skilled workforce, employers and education and training providers of the future will need to focus on individuals’ readiness and preparedness to acclimate to the changing nature of work. Current students will be expected to demonstrate their capacity and capability to adapt and learn new skills on a more or less continuous basis. Similar to changes in the workplace and to how jobs will be done, the learning environment will itself likely change; curriculum will require adaptation to how faculty teach and facilitate learning, and to how students transfer this learning into their civic and work lives. Career relevant curricular transformation is akin to the profound pedagogical changes that have resulted from the emergence of online learning in the past decades. This ability to adapt to a changing work and learning environment goes beyond disciplinary expertise.

Developing Adaptable Learners (Page 12)

Learner adaptivity focuses on measuring an individual’s confidence in his or her ability to adapt over time to a changing environment and anticipate and consciously prepare for future job transitions with the need to continuously upgrade knowledge, abilities, and skills (Hung, Lim, and Lee 2014). This confidence allows one to anticipate and consciously prepare for future job transitions with the need to continuously upgrade knowledge, abilities, and skills. Assessing learner adaptivity can aid in planning for learning activities or credentials that prepare individuals to succeed in future work and learning environments

Job Crafting Behavior

Students who demonstrate adaptivity are able to craft highly personal career paths and thereby optimize their work environment. To do this, they align their preferences, motives, and passions with jobs. ref

Great paper upon which above notes were lifted